National Walking Day – April 6th, 2016


Promoted by the American Heart Association, National Walking Day 2016 is Wednesday, April 6. By committing to walk for at least 30 minutes, you can get healthier and raise awareness about the importance of being physically active. On this day, millions of people throughout the United States will come together to take steps toward a healthier life for themselves, their families and their communities. You can celebrate in your workplace, school, faith-based organization, or family.

Now, for some of us, walking may not be doable, for some, walking may just aggravate our symptoms or in my case, deplete all of our energy reserves for the day.  But there are other things we can do to be active.  For me, it just about getting up and making sure I move all day.  You can swim if you have access to an indoor pool, you can just move those limbs, even if some of them may not be that mobile.  The bigger piece to understand, is that it is really about staying active, although that looks different for many of us.

Even if you struggle with mobility, as I do, what can you do today that is active?  I would love to hear what you will be doing today to stay active. Please visit my Facebook page and tell me what you can do to be active today.

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Tell Us How You Are Going To Be Active Today?

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Resource Guide from the American Heart Association
