Going Pain Free With the JBIT MedPro

This past weekend I was introduced to a new product that is suppose to help alleviate pain.  Well, being the skeptic that I am, I was curious to see if there was actually a drug free product that would actually alleviate pain.  I have been dealing with chronic pain for way too long.  I have done physical therapy, cranio-sacral therapy, myo-fascial, water therapy.  These have all helped to a certain extent.  But I can’t afford to go twice a week at $40 a visit for 6 months, let alone 6 weeks, so I was game to try anything that claimed to work.

For all you B-ball fans out there, the JBIT MedPro was developed by Jonathan Bender.  It was pretty cool to meet a basketball star.  This months Sports Illustrated has an article published about this amazing device.  As for all the skeptics like me, the science people and the doctors out there who like to see the data behind this miraculous device.  There have been 2 studies done.  One through Purdue University and one through Indiana University.

When you have chronic pain, like I do, you end up compensating for the side that isn’t working well, I do just that.  My left side is weak, so my right side compensates, in turn causes uneven strain on my spine, which causes my back pain.  I can’t stand without feel pressure in my lower back.  If I stand too long, then the pain gets so bad, I have to lay down.  This has been a progressive cycle for several years and has been getting worse in the last six months to the point that I have trouble going up and downstairs. These issues have really been starting to effect the activities I want to do with my daughter and really my day to day life.

I put the JBIT MedPro on and there was hardly any pressure on my lower back.  I could stand normal without any pain.  To walk forward without a limp, I was blown away.  Then last night, without even thinking I walked down a couple of stairs without a rail to hold on to.  I didn’t fall and break my neck…it was easy and I didn’t feel like I was going off balance.  How in the world can this simple device allow me to do some of the things that I have not been able to do in years, do them over night.

Not only can I use this awesome device to help me be more steady on my feet, but the JBIT MedPro has a subscription program that will give me exercises to do with this device.  For about $6/day, I can have an in-home PT session whenever I want.  No more ridiculous co-pays, no more scheduling appointments and missing work.  No more trying to find someone to watch my daughter.  Now, I can do all this in my home utilizing the Boost program.

If you would like anymore information about the the JBit Medpro device and or the Boost program, please follow some of the links within the text.  If you have any questions and the links don’t have the answers you are looking for, feel free to post a comment below.

This is such a great tool.  It’s so new, I am just trying to get the word out.  If you know someone is in pain and can use some relief, and the JBIT MedPro sounds like a good fit, please contact me.  It has been doing great for me, and I have been wearing it for only two days.  I can’t wait to see how I am doing in six months with some exercises added to it.

1st time in the Medpro

Going Painfree with the Jbit Medpro Week 2